Change language 

How to update or flag asset as missing in individual mode

Step 1
laptop thief

The following explains the instruction numbers in the diagram above:

1  : Select the update option
2  : Select the appropriate asset group from listed asset groups
3  : Select the asset manufacturer from the list
4  : Select the asset you want updated from the displayed asset list
5  : Update the form as necessary. Note, asset primary and secondary identifiers cannot be changed. The entire record can be deleted, however, the deletion does not stop it from showing in search report.
6  : You can change an asset current status accordingly, the detailed list is shown below. If the asset gets missing or stolen, you can set the status thus; and specify the appropriate public information that will be displayed when the asset is searched.
7  : You can generate the asset proof key by clicking the generate proof key button. When done, the proof key will be sent to your message inBox. You can send the generated proof key to anyone requesting you to show ownership proof.
8  : Click the upload asset images to add asset images.

Step 2
laptop thief

The following explains the instruction numbers in the diagram above:

1  : The current asset status will determine the new status change that is allowed.